Wednesday 9 January 2013

New products i'll be testing this month

New products ill be testing this month.

I've already written a blog about Bioderma....I love it!!!

Just tried the bourjois nail polish remover. It's literally put your finger in for 1 second and your nail varnish has been removed and your nails are left looking great and smells lovely too. I'm also impressed with how it didn't sting little cuts I have around my nails plus the skin around my nails is now really lovely and soft.

I did say on my YouTube video how ill do a face mask tonight but I think ill leave it until Friday night to really relax and destress.

Also tonight after my shower I used my new tangle teezer and it was fantastic. I'm sure some people may think yeah right every product you're testing you love but it's my money I've used to buy these products so I am taking a risk and if I didn't like it I'd me!!
So yes love the tangle teezer on dry and wet was fantastic to finally find a brush that doesn't pull at my hair and make hair brushing so painful. I wonder if my hair will look any different?!


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