Tuesday 1 January 2013

Challenge number 1

So 2013 is finally here! I wake up to an explosive nappy but an Eliza that is feeling much better..yay!

So I'm not going to reveal my actual weight (far to embarrassing) but I've decided it's 200 days until Elizas birthday and I'm going to lose 13lbs. Im sure to some people that may think thats easy and some that may seem like no chance...but I'm going to do it. I've even just set it as my Facebook status so it's out there now!! I'm going to follow the weight watchers diet and dare I say it...try and exercise??!?

So there we have it 1 goal set for 2013! Isn't it funny how we do all this goal setting in the first few hours/days/weeks of January then February kicks in and either all is forgotten or no new goals are set. With this is mind I shall endeavour to set months goals for 2013. And if you are reading this then you'll be able to track my progress😀

Keep safe everyone x

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