Friday 4 January 2013

My weight watchers challenge

Today I have shopped until I’ve dropped! I’m shattered. Lisa (sister in law) took me to Strafford upon Avon to a lovely shopping outlet. I purchased loads of lovely clothes. Then I went into Redditch where I purchased loads more goodies and my nieces first birthday presents. I cannot believe shes going to be 1 next Thursday! As I was waiting for my father in law to finish servicing my car I went to get my hair cut….it was amazing!! Some me time!! I’ve had a fringe put in and basic tidy up of getting a trim. Love it!
I had a lovely Maccy Ds for tea has I’m starting the diet on Sunday so thought id enjoy myself a little bit. Then I decided to make 2 YouTube videos. One massive haul video and another new style video explaining my 3 month Weight Watchers challenge.
My challenge:
·        Lose a stone in 3 months
·        Blog every day what I ate, drank and any exercise
·        Video blog on YouTube my progress
·        Every Sunday load a longer blog/video blog of how much (if any) I’ve lost.
I would LOVE anyone to follow my progress!
Sorry this blogs so short but I’m honestly shattered and getting very annoyed with YouTube as it’s taking forever to load the videos!!

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