Sunday, 30 December 2012

My first blog and plans 2013

So 2013 is just around the corner and every year I start a diary and think this is the year ill keep it up...but I don't! At the start of this year I wrote about how much weight I'd like to lose and things about my clothing I'd like to change and so much has happened but nothing's been recorded. So 2013 for me means making blogs and video blogs on YouTube and sharing them with....who knows. But the main point I record it for myself to look back on and see the achievements I've made. 

So 2012 I watched my daughter grow from a beautiful baby into an amazing toddler who is always a bundle of fun. I returned from maternity leave to a job I adore so was wonderful but at the same time so sad because I missed Eliza so much. I have really had to get to grips with juggling my time wisely and still find it so hard. I try to collect Eliza from my parents ASAP and then get home to set the tea off and play with Eliza and not do school work. But sometimes I'm shattered and just want to watch tv...something I would have done previously. Then it's tea time, bath time and then bed time for Eliza at 7 and that's when I usually set too with my work. Here lies the problem....I'm doing it every night until the early hours. Thank my lucky stars Eliza sleeps well otherwise I think I wouldn't cope at all. But I'm managing....I'm getting better and I think with blogging ill be able to really keep a track of if I am coping and when I suddenly catch a cold ill be able to see patterns. 

So another thing I'm focusing on is weight lose this year. On Eliza's birthday I decided to go on weight watchers after hearing such great things. Well I did it really well for 3 months and lost a stone. So come January I'm starting again and I'm giving myself another 3 months online to track and hopefully by the summer ill have lost another stone. I'm only 5lb away from what I was prior to Eliza but I think I would like to lose a bit more to be comfortable. 
A lot of weight lose issues I have obviously affect usual things like self confidence but one thing I love is clothes and I was starting to find I had no fashion sense....and that made me sad 😞! So by losing a stone I've been able to regain my own style and my god I've totally loved it!!! I've shopped until I've dropped and my wardrobe cannot take anymore!! I've ebayed loads of items that I no longer wear but I've kept all my "fat clothes" just in case. I've loved ebaying but that another story. 

So yes I've gone a little crazy in the post christmas sales and I will be doing many video blogs on YouTube to share my goodies. I'm really getting into my hair and make up and yes I'll be doing videos on that too.

 It feels very weird to think someone might actually read this and they'll probably think how boring....but hey ho this is me. All about me...the whole story...whilst its happening with many photos and little stories along the way! So here's to new beginnings and here's to making a record of it.